Summer Mini-League 1, Question #3

This freestyle duo took to the streets of London to see if anyone from the general public could match an incredible feat of athleticism. A thousand pounds were up for grabs for anyone who could be head and shoulders above the rest. This challenge is pictured below with a subtle reference to the athlete’s livery at the time of the challenge.

Identify the athlete.

(P.S. Brownie points if you spot the reference and the pun.)

Send your responses as comments to this question. The faster you answer, the more points you get!

Fourth question of the Summer Mini-League 1 goes up at 12 PM today (10th July)! The answer to this question will be released in the comments at the same time.

P.S. Make sure you have made a WordPress account to comment your answers.

Summer Mini-League 1, Question #2

This character, X YZ, was one of the first characters to appear under a popular franchise of movies. The character was once given a memorable misnomer as Z of Y by a god in accordance with paternal naming customs of the god’s culture.

X is commonly associated with love or obsession. Y and Z are both associated with heat, and both burn, albeit at drastically different temperatures. 

Identify the character. Brownie points for pointing out the god.

Send your responses as comments to this question. The faster you answer, the more points you get!

Third question of the Summer Mini-League 1 goes up at 12 AM tonight. Make sure you have a WordPress account for commenting the answers.

Summer Mini-League 1, Question #1

In 1624, a Dutch ship arrived at the foot of lower Manhattan, where colonists set up a town New Amsterdam, named after Holland’s largest city. 

By 1664, New Amsterdam fell into the hands of the British, who renamed it New York in honour of the Duke of York. However, in 1673, the Dutch regained control of New York from England and renamed it ‘New X’, its official name for about a year, to honour the Prince of X, William III, from the Netherlands. 

However, the Dutch faced defeat and returned the island to England after about a year.

As a famous New York Times journalist put in a podcast back in 2009, New York “was the B X before it was the B Y.” An irony considering the popular idiom around Ys and Xs.

Identify X and Y? Brownie points for identifying the irony.

Send your responses as comments to this question. Check the comments after 6 hours to see if you got it right!

The faster you answer, the more points you get! Second question of the Summer Mini-League 1 goes up at 6 PM today!

Make sure you have a WordPress account for commenting the answers!

Announcing the Summer Mini-Leagues!


We have been hosting a Question of The Day (QoTD) for the past week, and to up the competitive quizzing spirit, Literati presents the Summer Mini-Leagues! These will be conducted over the coming three weekends. The first league begins today (July 9) at 12PM.

This league will consist of 5 questions spread over the weekend. They will be published at the following timings:

12 PM, Saturday [9 July 2022]
6 PM, Saturday [9 July 2022]
12 AM, Sunday [10 July 2022]
12 PM, Sunday [10 July 2022]
6 PM, Sunday [10 July 2022]

The quicker you answer correctly, the more points you get. Your progress will be tracked on the Mini-League leaderboard and the winner of each Mini-League will be awarded with a revered-since-time-immemorial jar of Nutella!

Make a WordPress account and comment your answers on the question to participate in the league!

P.S. You can join this group to be notified whenever a new question is uploaded!

Summer QoTD #5

X is a member of the order Primates. X’s kind have featured as actors in many works of entertainment; mostly movies. X is named the way it is because of the resemblance of their coat to a certain group of hooded monks. Y is a much loved beverage whose nomenclature originates from the word X is. Identify X and Y.

Send your responses as comments to this question. Check the comments after 24 hours to see if you got it right!

Make sure you have a WordPress account for commenting the answers!

The first summer mini-league of the season begins tomorrow!

Summer QoTD #4

23rd October every year is celebrated as X day.

The name X was proposed by a freelance copywriter, who was given the task to introduce X to the public.

After he saw a prototype, he thought of an iconic moment from a classic space fiction film, where the film’s protagonist asks the artificially intelligent on-board computer to allow his ExtraVehicular Activity capsule to enter the bay.

He saw an analogy to the relationship between the spaceship and the smaller independent capsules in the relationship between a personal computer and X.

Commonly called the “internet kiosk”, this is one of the fastest sold devices in history.

Identify X.

Answer by commenting on this question. The correct answer will be posted in 24 hours, along with tomorrow’s QOTD.

P.S. You will need to make a WordPress account to comment.

Summer QoTD #3

The journey of this brand started from one of the factories located in suburban Mumbai, which also gave the brand its name. One of their first ad campaigns showcased their product as an Indian alternative to its British counterparts.

Initially sold in wax papers, it was the first Indian FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) brand to cross the Rs 5,000 crore mark in retail sales.

A part of their name originally stood for a simple sugar; though a later brand slogan stated that it stood for an exceptionally intelligent person.

Identify this brand.

Send your answers as comments to this question. Keep a lookout after 24 hours to see if you got it right! The next question will be up along with the answer to this question.

To answer, don’t forget to create a WordPress account if you haven’t yet!

Summer QoTD #2

This company started off in a flat in Bangalore as an online book store whose number was 610 and then they later launched an annual event to eternalise ‘610’ which helped them to become one of the biggest players in their particular sector.

The first book they sold was “Leaving Microsoft to change the world” by John Wood. In their initial days they used to go around on bikes giving away free bookmarks to publicise their company.

Identify the company.

Comment on this question to answer. All comments will be approved after 24 hours and the correct answer will be posted along with tomorrow’s QoTD!

P.S. You will need to make a WordPress account to comment.

Summer QoTD #1

X was a statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect and a philosopher. He was assisted by Y in his most renowned work, Z.

X also served a very reputed position, succeeding Y, who was an attorney, diplomat, writer, and a renowned political philosopher. Both X and Y are considered a part of a venerable group of men, along with 43 others, who played an important role towards the development and governance of their nation of states.

Z is an essential piece of history and is based on the idea that all people have certain fundamental rights that governments are created to protect. It provided the nation’s citizens rights to a Will Smith movie amongst other ideals. Both X and Y died exactly 50 years after Z was approved.

Identify X, Y and Z.

Comment on this question to answer, all comments will be approved after 24 hours and the correct answer will be posted along with tomorrow’s QoTD!

P.S. You’ll need to make a WordPress account to comment.

A teaser question

Hazelnut and Cocoa, contained in this delicious spread
Have it straight from the jar, or with some bread.
Sounds yum!? Top it up with questions that intrigue
Take me home by winning the Don Quizote Summer Leagues!

Comment on this question to answer (you’ll need to register on WordPress). All comments will be approved tomorrow at 12 PM and the answer will be revealed!